Computational Thinking to Support K-12 Learners


While computational thinking (CT) has been framed as a way to introduce students to computing, it has been shown to play a larger role in shifting teacher practices to engage students in explicitly thinking about their thinking and strategies (metacognition). In this session, we will explore how CT can serve the dual purpose of introducing computational tools and practices as well as support students’ problem solving strategies. Participants will also understand the opportunities and challenges of integrating computational thinking into a general education classroom.

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  1. Participants will get hands-on experience how CT can simultaneously enhance problem-solving abilities and metacognitive skills.
  2. Participants will see classroom examples on how teachers cultivate essential computing literacy skills that prepare students for the digital era.
  3. Participants will experience how teachers can integrate CT as a part of their core instruction and support student learning.



Aman Yadav, Professor, Michigan State University

Meta Information:

  • Tags: instruction, teachers
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Teaching & Learning
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Basic Understanding

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