Racial Equity & Systems Transformation in Early Childhood


The K-12 sector has seen a rise in racial equity and justice conversations that has led to both progress and setbacks for Black children and families. However, the early childhood development sector stands in the shadows of K-12 racial equity conversations even though advancement in early childhood sets the foundation for lifelong success. National philanthropic, health and nonprofit leaders, as well as grassroots practitioners, will discuss how the early childhood sector can prioritize racial equity and systems transformation to support the unique needs of Black children across the country.

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  1. Examine the importance of racial equity and justice in early childhood development and how it impacts future outcomes for Black children and families
  2. Learn tangible ways to implement racial equity-focused work on the ground in communities from leaders who are working to create equitable ECE systems
  3. Identify opportunities to promote racial equity in communities and organizations and build partnerships that foster progress for Black children



Madeline Carzon, Senior Account Executive, Finn Partners

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