Leveraging National Standards for Teacher Apprenticeships


Join us to explore the transformative potential of leveraging proof points in teaching practice to shape policy, with a specific focus on creating more affordable, diverse, & quality pathways into teaching that are practice-based and focused on instruction. Our panel will highlight a collaborative effort that led to the approval of National Guideline Standards for Registered Teacher Apprenticeships by the U.S. Department of Labor. Participants will leave with ideas for how to leverage innovations in teaching and learning in their own communities to influence local, state, and national policy.

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  1. Gain insights into the approved National Guideline Standards for Registered Teacher Apprenticeships
  2. Understand how collaborative efforts across communities & systems can shape a stronger, more accessible, and increasingly diverse teaching profession
  3. Receive tips on how to leverage proof points in effective teaching practice to serve as a policy change agent at the local, state, and national levels



Patrick Steck, Vice President, External Affairs, Deans for Impact

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