Co-creating Justice-Centered SEL with Students


To address the growing mental health crisis for adolescents, especially teens of color, we need to mitigate the harm from white supremacy assumptions that are built into most SEL programs and replace these programs with wellness with social justice at its core. Girls Leadership and Student Leadership Network will share their curriculum development process, based in Libratory Design, which interrupts the power dynamic of teacher and student to empower students as designers of justice-based SEL.

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  1. Participants will understand how traditional SEL harms youth by not naming the systemic injustices that perpetuate collective and individual trauma.
  2. Participants will learn about Liberatory Design and how it interrupts the power imbalance of designer/user to give power to the most marginalized.
  3. Participants will practice the mindsets and steps in Liberatory Design, creating an actionable toolkit to take back to reexamine their SEL approach.



Simone Marean, co-CEO, Girls Leadership

Meta Information:

  • Tags: curriculum design, student voice
  • Event: EDU
  • Format: Workshop
  • Track: SEL & Wellness
  • Session Focus Area K-12 Education
  • Level: Deep Understanding

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