SXSW 2022

Indie Film Funding Has a Representation Problem


We love seeing a crowdfunded project succeed. The rush of supporting a grassroots effort can compound to outstanding results and millions of dollars raised.

However, when it comes to indie film projects, the prevalence of crowdfunding begs the question: why do these creators--many of whom are minorities from underrepresented communities--need to rely on the public to fund their projects? Where is the support from studios and distributors? Great resources like grants and residencies exist, but are their numbers enough to support films from diverse creators? Or does the current system need adjustment to begin to embrace projects by artists of all stripes?

Production experts and industry leaders will discuss what should change about this system of monetary filmmaking support today.

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  1. The current monetary hurdles indie films face and why crowdfunding has become the avant-garde solution. How can we ease this burden for filmmakers?
  2. Actions industry decision-makers can take to improve indie film funding. These include how to enact the right programs and support industry leaders.
  3. The specific action items required to provide monetary support for diverse filmmakers from underrepresented communities.



Amanda Drum, Sr. Account Executive, Press Kitchen

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Panel
  • Track: Film & TV Industry
  • Track 2 Making Film & Episodics
  • Level: Beginner

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