SXSW 2021

The 21st Century Creative


As artists, we are both shaped by the world around us and have a profound ability to influence culture in return. Would the works of Hemmingway be recognizable to us if he hadn’t experienced the Spanish Civil War? What would Freida Kahlo’s work have been if she hadn’t experienced the rise of communism? In 2021, creative people have a responsibility to stay awake, stay connected, and use our perspective on world events to shine a light on the truth about this time that the media has failed to consistently record.

Other Resources / Information


  1. Creatives' role in creating the collective social memory.
  2. How to recognize and define this era for what it is.
  3. Accelerating technology's role in our intake of inspiration and as a route to express ourselves.



Ruth Ajayi, Marketing Director, T3

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