SXSW 2020

Augmented Reality Monuments in Public Spaces


There 5,000+ statues in the US of historical figures, only 394 are women. There is a national conversation on redefining the standards of who deserves a monument. While there is a general consensus that women and people of color are not accurately represented in public spaces, the solutions to address the discrepancy complicates the issue. Erecting and removing monuments is expensive. While the public may be on board with addressing the aforementioned discrepancy, elected officials find difficulty justifying the inevitable cost of erecting scores of monuments. XR artists can make hundreds of animated monuments for the price of one statue. This solution is cheaper and bypasses the political contention that arises when we discuss removing monuments i.e. Charlottesville riots

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  1. AR Monuments/installations are a cheaper, more interactive solution to contextualize public spaces than simply removing and erecting new monuments
  2. AR Monuments can be used as a tool to fundraise for organizations that are combatting systemic issues
  3. AR Monuments can be placed in public spaces with or without permission



Glenn Cantave, CEO, Movers & Shakers NYC

Meta Information:

  • Event: SXSW
  • Format: Focus15
  • Track: XR
  • Track 2
  • Level: Advanced

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