A Historian, CPA and Scientitst walk into a bar…


How do interdisciplinary teams work together and solve wicked problems?
At the Center for Integrated Design at UT Austin, we teach design methodologies as a foundational skill to enable interdisciplinary students to creatively collaborative on real-world challenges. Our classes are open to any major, and students learn to integrate design practices into their own disciplines by focusing on new mindsets, and tools to solve difficult and messy problems that are relevant to our campus.

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  1. When you use design methodology within interdisciplinary teams, research shows that more successful outcomes are experienced
  2. Students who learn design thinking methodologies amplify existing academic studies, knowledge and problem solving skills
  3. Empowering students to solve important problems relevant and contextual leads to greater creative confidence



Gray Garmon, Director Of The Center For Integrated Design And Assistant Professor Of Practice In Design, University of Texas at Austin School of Design and Creative Technologies

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